How Treatment Works


Myofascial Release is a hands-on treatment performed on the skin with no oils or creams. The gentle tension between the therapist’s hands and the patient’s skin is what allows access to the fascia in a way that the gliding effect of traditional massage cannot achieve. MFR incorporates many new types of body manipulation to improve movement and function. 

For example, one technique to relieve restrictions in the lower back is a cross-hand technique, with one hand on the crest of the hip and the other on the lower ribs. Your therapist’s hands will sink into the fascia and then move away from one another without sliding on the skin. Sustained, gentle force allows the fascia to release in a slow, non-linear manner. The release will allow the therapist to then follow the body’s cues to the next area. MFR does not simply treat your symptoms.It allows us to work together to find the spiral of restrictions causing your pain.

What to Expect

At your first MFR session, your therapist will spend a bit of time getting to know you, finding out your goals and expectations, and answering any questions you may have about MFR. They will also assess your posture and structural balance as a starting place for treatment. Afterward, they will likely give you some homework, which usually involves some gentle self-treatment stretches or exercises to maximize your results.

What to Wear

MFR is performed on bare skin, but being fully undressed is not necessary. Unlike the undressed-and-covered-up approach of most bodywork, our aim is to facilitate movement and freedom. The best attire is a two-piece bathing suit or shorts and tank top or sports bra for women, and loose gym shorts for men. And because MFR is performed on the skin, please refrain from using any lotions or creams on the day of your visit, as this will make treatment difficult.

If you have any questions or concerns about how MFR treatment is conducted or what it may look like for you, please contact us.