Portland Myofascial Release

Dedicated to helping our patients heal through Myofascial Release

New Location:
March 4, 2024

Only 1/2 mile south,
on the other side of Macadam:
5200 South Macadam Ave.
Suite 300
Portland, OR 97239

Learn about our Intensive Therapy program

Our Beginning

Jamie, Rachel, Spencer, and Corrie met through John Barnes’ Myofascial Release seminars and through continued training and therapy in Portland. Realizing how well they worked together, they decided to manifest the dream of a dedicated Myofascial Release therapy clinic in Portland.

Our Vision

Our vision is a clinic which truly serves the needs of patients and therapists in the region. Physical therapists and massage therapists are available at an expert level. Multi-therapist treatments are available. Portland MFR is the only location in the Pacific Northwest for intensive therapy, as well. Our open room is a space for classes, study groups, myofascial stretching, and therapeutic exercise.

The Portland MFR team (L-R): Nicole, Spencer, Sheila, Jamie, Rachel, and Corrie

The highly skilled therapists at Portland Myofascial Release are dedicated to changing the way you are cared for. Their passion for the healing arts, in combination with their skills in hands-on treatment, offers a solution to transform pain and dysfunction. All therapists at Portland Myofascial Release are extensively trained in the John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach, and utilize this authentic and powerful healing modality in combination with therapeutic activity and individualized self-care programs. Treatments are designed to address the entire person—physically, energetically, and emotionally—with the goal of uncovering the root cause of the dysfunction in order to make lasting changes in symptoms. 

The unique experience Portland Myofascial Release brings to the health care community is a true collaborative treatment approach. Each therapist brings different perspectives and expertise, allowing our patients to have access to treatments from not just one, but multiple providers. They are dedicated to collaborating, supporting, and occasionally challenging our patients to create healthier lifestyles and belief systems in order to let go of old patterns that are causing pain and suffering.

Our clinic strives to embody the energy and power of the majestic Pacific Northwest. Large windows bring in natural light and picturesque views of the Willamette River and Mt. Hood, creating the ideal setting for a true healing experience. We chose the spiraling rose for our logo to represent not only our hometown of Portland‚ the City of Roses, but also to signify the unfolding and blooming of health and joy that is possible through myofascial release. 

We welcome all walks of life and all ages. Your journey is important to us, and finding joy and love in life is what we strive for.